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Proper Training Key to Clean Restrooms

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The hardest place to keep clean at our places of business is our restrooms. At [company], we are excited about our All Cleaner XP System. This cross-contamination cleaning training will allow us to Deep Clean and Disinfect your restroom with a no-contact approach that is more effective than manually wiping and scrubbing fixtures and other hard surfaces. As you develop your restroom maintenance plan, give us a call to see how the All Cleaner XP System can support your efforts in maintaining clean restrooms. Enjoy the article!

Wayne Holland – President, [company] Chicago

In the previous post, we discussed the various design options available and how they can aid in keeping toilets clean and in good repair. It’s also critical to have a well-thought-out strategy and adequate training for your cleaning crew. Maintaining the cleanliness of your restrooms is not a one-time occurrence. It’s a meticulously planned procedure that ensures the removal of dirt and filth, as well as the elimination of germs, bacteria, and viruses, protecting your clients, staff, and reputation. Staying on top of restroom cleanliness requires a well-thought-out approach.

Proper Training for Commercial Cleaning  Crews:

To begin, you should provide all cleaning employees with both orientation and follow-up training. Ensure that proper procedures are followed on a daily basis. Staying on top of your restrooms requires consistency.

Cleaning methods are an important element of the process that should never be overlooked, according to cross-contamination cleaning training. It should also underline the importance of not taking shortcuts. All methods, jobs, frequencies, equipment, and chemicals must be understood by cleaning employees as part of the process. They must also be taught a cross-contamination-free cleaning procedure. Cleaning from high to low, or from inside to out, for example.

Make PPE Standard Operating Procedure When Cleaning:

Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be properly trained in order to reduce injuries and protect employees and other building occupants. Changing gloves on a regular basis, for example, reduce the risk of germs, bacteria, and viruses spreading from one room to the next. The protocol should be spelled out in detail so that the cleaning crew understands exactly what is expected of them. All federal, state, and local ordinances should be met or exceeded during training.

Proper Use of Cleaning Chemicals:

Managers should specify which chemicals will be utilized and how they will be used. This involves following the manufacturer’s instructions to get the most out of your product. A broad-spectrum germicide disinfectant should be used in restrooms and cleaning staff need to know the “dwell or kill time” of the disinfectant.

Eliminate Cross-Contamination:

It is a good practice for cleaning staff to assume all surfaces are contaminated. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on the minimization of cross-contamination. For instance, a cloth used to clean toilets and urinals should not be used to clean the sinks or other fixtures in the restrooms. It is a good practice to use multi-colored microfiber cleaning cloths. You can assign a specific color to specific fixtures reducing the opportunity for cross-contamination to occur. Same with the use of chemicals. Cleaning staff should be trained to know which chemicals to use on which surfaces to maximize effectiveness.

Include Safety Standards in Your Restroom Cleaning Plan:

To provide a germ, bacteria, and virus-free environment, it should be understood that cleaning restrooms are not a once-a-day task. It is important to understand when the restrooms are being used more frequently. A good example would be over the lunch hour. Cleaning staff can keep an eye on things and provide clean-up when necessary.

Restrooms are an important part of the facility and they need to be properly maintained. Having the proper safety training in place for cleaning staff will ensure that they are knowledgeable of the types of germs, bacteria, and viruses they will encounter and how to properly clean and disinfect your restrooms. It will also reduce the chance of cross-contamination and help protect anyone using your restrooms.

When establishing or updating your restroom cleaning plan, please consider using [company] of Chicago. Our staff at [company] are fully trained in the cleaning and disinfecting of restrooms. And with our new All Cleaner XP System, we can provide a cleaning solution that will be the capstone of your restroom maintenance program. Our touchless system helps to reduce cross-contamination and will help to keep your restrooms in tip-top shape. A properly and well-maintained restroom will reduce the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses within your facility.

Give us a call today at 312-982-0103 to find out how we can help using our All Cleaner XP System!